Welcome to SmashSomeStuff.Com!! We have been completely devoted to smashing anything electronic since 2005!
We smash game consoles, MP3 players, TVs, and especially the hopes and dreams of fanboys.
This is only a social experiment! It is for the sole entertainment of the donors and visitors of this badass site.

Smash My iPhone is Here!
Saturday, January 02 2010

  a blast from the past and an end to an era

So long time no talk eh? A lot has happened over the months that has opened our eyes to a few things. Mainly, we all have all grown up and moved on from SmashSomeStuff. Sure it was all fun and games when we were younger, but now we have more important matters to tend to. We all are in different colleges and some of us even have jobs. We just flat out don’t have the time anymore to be doing this.

Which brings me to my next part, new & lost episodes. Over the upcoming weeks I will be editing and releasing a few episodes from our vault. After these episodes are released, there will be no more new ones and the site will stay alive as an archive of achievement. Meaning we won’t be making new episodes (ever), there won’t be anymore news, but you can always watch the episodes on the site.

As sad as it is to see the end of an era, all good things must come to an end eventually. I want to say thanks to all the fans who have supported us over the years, you guys have been great!

- 0nIC

Sunday, May 03 2009

  Smash My iPhone Has Arrived!

Check it out in the videos section or by clicking the project logo above.

Smash My iPhone

Thanks again to everyone who donated!

- 0nIC

Looking for old news? sorry, we lost those in an internet fire ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Looking for the creator years later? hit him up on Instagram at @heyitsJK

The SmashSomeStuff Project was retired in the Summer of 2009.
This site lives on as an archive.
SmashSomeStuff.com Creative Commons License EvolutionStopsHere.com
[ disclaimer ] - [ @heyitsJK ]